Sales & Marketing

Sales & Marketing

Sales and marketing is a very broad sector, with a wide range of objectives. The first objective is to sell products or services and stimulate sales (the business part).

The second objective is to analyze consumer behavior and create a bond with them, in order to build loyalty (the marketing part).

Sales and marketing are therefore inseparable: they enable companies to sustain their activities and face up to the competition.

Whether BtoC or BtoB, the aim of all players in this market is to generate sales. In this way, commerce and marketing can be applied to both traditional businesses (with a physical entity) and online businesses (e-commerce).

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Commerce covers all sales-related professions. Sales can involve products as well as services: depending on the entity chosen, the sales techniques are not the same!

Sales techniques are used in most companies, making employees essential to the smooth running of a business.


arketing, on the other hand, is a group of professions concerned with product and service strategy. It helps match consumer expectations with company proposals.
Today, business practices are increasingly digitalized, forcing marketing to mutate and use the tools of the digital world.

Digital marketing, on the other hand, is all about creating a bond and a community around a brand and its image, as well as increasing visibility at the right time and in the right place, all using digital tools! There are many: a website, a blog, social networks, digital advertising, emailing, etc.

The digital world is full of specific professions, each meeting a very specific need: SEO project manager, UX designer, community manager, web copywriter, SEA manager, etc.

The sales and marketing sectors are still booming, with ever more job offers and candidates!

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